Monthly Archives: May 2013
Vineyards, climate change, and biota conservation as an example of a complex system
Vineyards, climate change, and biota conservation as an example of a complex system Andrés Muñoz-Sáez Complexity science provides a theoretical framework that allows confronting the challenges of predicting the consequences of human-induced changes in the biosphere (Sole & Bascompte, 2006). I’m … Continue reading
Galaxy evolution as complex environmental systems
Galaxies are effectively their own ecosystems, made up of four major components: gas, stars, a supermassive black hole, and dark matter (which makes up 85% of the mass of the galaxy, and is most likely some sort of particle we … Continue reading
Montane wet meadows as complex environmental systems
The Rising Snowline: Montane wet meadows and their changing snowpack as complex environmental systems Studies on climate change and snowpack dynamics in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California have focused on fundamental questions related to water supply: How will the … Continue reading
Think like a beaver! Applicability of Wheaton et al.’s Beaver Restoration Assessment Tool in dry, un-beavered landscapes
One key question in stream restoration is “What state are you restoring to?” The idea of shifting baselines— that our ideas of how streams should look like is based on current conditions, and can’t encompass previous massive land use changes … Continue reading
Protected: Embedded Decision-Making in Extreme Conditions: Identifying Climate Change Adaptation Pathways for Food Security in Coupled Human-Natural Systems
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